Your Future Self is disciplined. Your future self has all the energy you’ll ever need, is very disciplined, gets the thing done. And yet, your future self is always in the future

Your Future Self is disciplined

we’ve been looking at certain ways that we sabotage ourselves achieving goals. We looked at the overwhelming goals as goals get too big and too scary and we end up doing nothing. We looked at perfectionism. We looked at starting badly. If something is worth doing, it’s worth doing badly. And we’ve been exploring these ideas that sometimes never talked about around goal setting.
So, let’s carry on that conversation. This week is about your future self. Have you noticed just how perfect your future self is? Your future self is disciplined. Your future self-gets things done. Whereas your present self is often too busy, too tired, got too much going on. I will start my exercise next week on a Wednesday because that way, I will get it done. Or, I’ve got all this work to do but I’m so so tired that I will do over the weekend on a Sunday. I will catch up on everything then.

Yep, your future self is perfect. Your future self has all the energy you’ll ever need, is very disciplined, gets the thing done. And yet, your future self is always in the future. Have you noticed that? Because the Sunday arrives, you’ve got to do the work, and you’re just so tired, so busy, got the family around. You’re going to start the exercise on Wednesday, but something’s happened at work, you have to work late. Well, your future self is going to have all the challenges and problems you have today. You’re going to have to make time.
So, if you’re going to eat healthily, today is the day you start. Doesn’t matter if the whole day you’ve been eating cookies and cakes, and you want to eat healthily, eat an apple. It’s a step in the right direction, it’s momentum. If you’ve got some work today, then organize the work. Get it sorted so that you’re ready to start when you have a bit more time. If you can do five minutes, if you can do ten minutes, if you can do a minute towards your goal today, you create momentum.

And that’s the secret of success. You create momentum in a direction you want to go. So, go ahead, take action. Let me know how perfect your future self is and what you’re going to do today to take action, to make sure it is true. Fabulous. Have a great week. Live outrageously. And give us some likes, give us some shares, all the wonderful social media stuff that needs to be done. We really appreciate that. Take care. Until next week, have a wonderful week.

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Talking about your future self is disciplined have your read:

Timeline therapy

‘Time Line Therapy and the Basis of Personality’ is a compelling study of the important elements that make up a person’s core personality, and a detailed exploration of – and introduction to – how ‘Time Line therapy’ works in practice.

Written by Tad James and Wyatt Woodsmall, ‘Time Line Therapy and the Basis of Personality’ is a compelling study of the important elements that make up a person’s core personality, and a detailed exploration of – and introduction to – how ‘Time Line therapy’ works in practice.

Utilizing discoveries made by Richard Bandler, ‘Time Line Therapy and the Basis of Personality’ expands and updates our knowledge of how people actually store their memories, and sheds light on the effect that the system used for memory storage has on the individual. The authors contend that the concept of Time Line, or the notion of time that you have stored in your mind, shapes and structures your experience of the world, and therefore shapes your personality. ‘Time Line therapy’ is therefore based on the premise that the client goes back to the first time they remember a particular problem, does change work – utilizing Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) to eliminate irritating behaviors or issues – and, if necessary, goes to subsequent times when their behavior or response was a problem, and undertakes further change work to resolve it.

Written in an informative and engaging manner, ‘Time Line Therapy and the Basis of Personality’ offers readers the opportunity to see how ‘Time Line therapy’ works – providing a clear description of how to elicit the Time Line, and sharing step-by-step methods to subsequently help the client to release a limiting decision or trauma, remove anxiety, or set a future goal. All of these key aspects are explained using clear language and easy-to-follow steps, and the authors’ expert commentary is further complemented by examples, exercises and transcripts in order to help the reader transfer the theory into effective practice.

In Section I, the authors explain the NLP Communication Model and share their in-depth analysis of the filters – values, beliefs, attitudes, decisions, memories and meta programs – which we subconsciously use as we process the world around us and which form the basis of our personalities. Section II provides a comprehensive description of the Time Line and how it works: laying down a theoretical basis for the technique before offering insight into its practice and application with a demonstrative transcript of Time Line elicitation and change work in order to illustrate the concepts explored. In Section III the authors move on to carefully survey simple and complex meta programs (and how they can be changed) before exploring the formation, evolution and changing of values in Section IV, which includes a helpful exercise that gives guidance on how to elicit values from the client.

Exploring many interesting contexts and how personality can be positively changed to help people live happier lives, ‘Time Line Therapy and the Basis of Personality’ is a worthy addition to any therapist’s or NLP practitioner’s library and is suitable reading for anyone interested in behavioral change.

Sections include:

Section I: Introduction

Section II: Time Line Therapy

Section III: Meta Programs

Section IV: Values

‘Time Line Therapy and the Basis of Personality’ was originally published in 1988 by Meta Publications.

Previously published as ISBN 978-091699021-3

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