NLP Newsletter Week One October

Hello and welcome. My name is John Cassidy-Rice. I’m the founder of the professional NLP Practitioner and this is our new format newsletter. Yes, we’re going to film them and there will also be transcriptions below and if there’s enough demand, we’ll also pull out a podcast of it. These are going to be short, no more than three to five minutes long but filled with content.

Well, this particular one is going to be filled with news. As it is a newsletter, we ought have some news every now and again. So, I’m going to keep you up to date with everything that’s going on but I really invite you to give me some feedback on how the videos are working and if the formats are working for you.

Good, so what are some of the news that we have? We have a whole batch of them. So, let’s do the easy ones first. So, we have released the dates for next year’s training. I know, how exciting this is? So, we’ve got the dates for the NLP Practitioner next year. We also have a brand-new course accredited for the National Council of Hypnotherapist It’s a 21-day course and it’s for people who are keen to become a hypnotherapist and add that string to their bow so that they can make a living from what they love doing. We’ve released the dates for that. More information will be coming as we start to get momentum behind this new course.

Now one of the things I’m asked a lot, are we going to run another live ILM level 5 Coaching and Mentoring course? And yes, yes we are. You’re welcome. Now, even if you have a qualification in coaching and you would like a very credible qualification especially if you’re thinking of going into the corporate sector. I highly recommend the ILM training. This is going to be a live training and the dates have been released. Be one of the first to grab your spot.

So what else is going on? Well, I’ve been busy working away in the background writing a book. Yeah, I know! And I’m dyslexic so there’s hope for all of us. So, the book is called, “Unlocking the Power of Stories: Change your story, change your life.” It’s an in-depth look about some of the theory behind why storytelling works so well for transformation. And then it’s direct application of where you can use stories in your life for changing your beliefs, for getting more work. How do you design a story that has impact and resonance.

All goes to plan and the stars align and the publishers get everything sorted, it should be late October when that is released. And like always, I’m going to keep you up to date with that book release. So that’s the news. I’m going to keep this short. I’m really keen to hear your feedback about the videos, the video newsletters and how else can we serve you?

So, go and have an outrageous week and I look forward to talking to you next time. All the best, see you soon.

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  1. Nice to hear your newsy video. I like it cause it is good to see you and hear you in person. I now do not need to read the text which I have been enjoying…. the world is changing in the way we communicate and I am glad you are leading us into it.
    Look forward to your next….. Have an outreageous week and October……..
    Best, Rebecca

  2. Hi John,

    I like the new format. Adding the visual element makes the newsletter much more accessible and engaging – well for me anyway. Keep it short and punchy – as this first one is and I think you are on to a winner.

  3. Yes.Like these.Look forward to the rest.More in the room.Thanks.

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