Are we thinking too small?
I have a question for you; let me ask it in a moment.
What’s on my mind recently is mindsets. Another way to think about mindsets would be how we frame the world around us.
What I mean is, how you think about time is a frame you put on the world. Virgina Sitar, who transformed family therapy, used to do what she called a ‘week long’. This is where she would work with a family for a week, normally in a log cabin. She would achieve amazing results.
She would also get similar results when she had only two or three hours working with a family.
You’ve done that too, I bet. You have an assessment, which is due in six months. It takes you six months to complete it. You have another assessment, very similar but you only have six weeks. It takes you six weeks to complete it.
Which would imply we frames our mind for success, failure and many areas of life.
When you run a business, as I do, you have a frame of mind about how you do business. We have worked hard and had a lot of fun as we have served people around the world.
But between you and me, I’ve grown restless.
Don’t get me wrong, I love what we do. I are successful on many levels and I can almost taste the next level as we grow.
The thing is when you are in the bottle, it is hard to read the label.
So here is my question:
What would you do differently, if you were running NLP Excellence?
It could be marketing, the training on offer, the cost of courses, resources, where we run courses, online stuff or even wearing different shirts. But not pink.
I am holding my breath awaiting your response. So don’t leave it too long.
If you could afford it get trainers that you have trained to run the courses. Then allow yourself a sabbatical ( where you do work that still makes you less restless but not your bread and butter stuff). Then breathe, smell the roses, work less. See what happens.
If you are already doing this then forgive me as I haven’t been to an NLP training for a few years now.
Hope you get yourself sorted.
Mindfulness is a great thing btw. I’m sure you have been on a course. If not do it. It is great for sorting out the restless mind. The Buddhists, and I’m sure millions before The Buddha, must have known something.
Hi Pat,
Thanks for taking the time to reply.
Yes, I have a network of excellent trainers I can tap into. I don’t see the restlessness as negative thing as it is a precondition to growth. Also as it is Spring/summer, it’s a great time A. smell the roses and B. to grow
You are right Buddha very wise