Nlp courses book club.

NLP-courses-Book-clubIt’s starting to come together

Thank you for your responses to the book club.

It was suggested that we call the book club:

NLP Courses book club

Now it was suggested by just one person but it fits with the NLP Courses podcast. This fits into our brand; you are very kind to be thinking of us.

The platform was a little more complicated. Many suggestions made, no decision on this yet and I am open to advice.

How often? Fortnightly seems most popular at the moment.

Now we just need to decide the books and a start date.

I will bring a list of books together, and please do send your suggestions, then we will vote on book one.

What could we do to make sure that this book club is a success?

Lots to do, so a short newsletter this week.

John “loving the book club” Cassidy-Rice


I did not forget the audio book thing. To get the most from audio books listen when you are doing something else and then read the book.

You know last week I said I often read the same book 2-3 times. I have started reading the book, then listening to the book and reading it again. I seem to get even more from the book doing this.

We have an NLP Practitioner and a NLP Master Practitioner starting soon. This would be a great time to book your place.

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