A man gestures with his hands in a classroom setting, equipped with chairs and a flipchart, under the title "Sub Modalities," during an engaging NLP training session.

Sub Modalities

Transcript of video:

Welcome to nlpcourses.com where we are exploring NLP which is transformational, sometimes a little bit controversial and always a little bit outrageous where we as you pass the velvet curtains to the inner workings of the NLP mind.

So, Tony asked me to explain what we mean by sub modalities. So sub modalities, what do you we mean by that? While we take the world in through our five senses those five modalities: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory and gustatory, smell and taste. Now, if we do indeed take the world in for our five modalities, do you suspect we might use that as the raw building blocks to our thinking?

Well, it’s plausible. It’s not a new idea by the way. Socrates, Aristotle, Plato were all talking about this. They called it “the forms in the mind.” Right! So, if we take the world in through those five modalities and we use that as the raw building blocks of our thinking plus language do you also suspect that each one of those five senses each one of those five modalities would have their own building blocks? Yeah! Again, plausible.

So, if I sent you a picture of favorite food notice your picture of your favorite food would be different from my favorite food but also how you think about it would be different for myself and throughout the people that we may ask. So some people might have a big picture, some people might have a small picture, some might be life-size, some might be moving, some might be still, some might be colorful, some might be black and white. Did you notice those were subcomponents of visual? Hence, the term submodalities or the building blocks to our thinking. So let’s have a little play with some submodalities just because we can.

And now invite you to picture a food you neither like nor dislike. It’s just the food that’s okay and I say that because we’re going to change how you think about it. Okay, so picture that food in front you. Now, double the size of that picture, double the size of that picture again.

Sub Modalities NLP Video. Sub modalities is a powerful way we in code the world around us, learn how to change the way you think
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That might change the way you respond to that food. So, shrink it down, shrink it down, shrink it down, shrink it down to its normal size but then carry on shrinking it down, shrinking it down, shrinking it down, shrinking it down until it becomes oppose its dump size. That might change the way you respond to that food. Okay, take that picture, take normal size and then we’re going to turn up all the color.

Sub Modalities of Visual

So make it more vivid, make it brighter brighter, vivid colors, brighter and brighter and then we going to turn that color brightness down, turn it down, turn it down to down to its original brightness in color and then carry on turn it down, turn it down so it becomes dim down to gray scale so its a black and white picture. Notice that might change the way that you respond to that food. Now turn the brightness and color back up to its original brightness and color and then take that picture and push off into the distance, push off into the distance so it disappears on the horizon then bring it back, bring it back, bring it back, bring it back, bring it back, bring it back and then bring it closer and closer and closer and closer.

That might change the way you respond to that food. Now put it back to its original size, shape and encoding. So we just had a little play with some of the subcomponents of visual. Let’s have a little play with auditory.

Sub Modalities of Sound

So invite you to imagine, imagine yourself in a park and all the sound you’d hear in the park, so maybe hear people laughing at the distance, maybe there’s a car over…  a road over in the distant and just think you’d hear like birds singing those wonderful things. So put all the sounds so it’s just behind you. Put all the sounds so it’s jut behind you. Put all the sounds so it’s just in front of you.

Put all the sounds so it’s just in front of you then put all that sound around you. Put all that sound around you. Then, take that sound and we’re going to turn up the volume. So start to make the sounds louder and louder and louder and louder, very different experience when you’re in the park and all the sounds are very very loud! So, we’re going to take that and turn the volume down, turn the volume down, turn the volume down to its original volume but then carry on turn it down, turn it down, turn it down until it becomes a whisper.

All the sounds around you are now very very quite, very different experience when you’re in the park and it’s all very quite. So we’re going to turn that sound up, turn the sound up, turn the sound up, turn the sound up to its original volume. Next, we’re going to slow sound down and when you slow sound down the pitch also becomes lower. So start to slow the sound down. All the sound is low down.

Take that sound and speed it up, speed it up, speed up to its original tempo and then we going to make it faster. We’re going to make it faster and this you make sound faster also the pitch goes up. So all the sounds around you are really really fast, really really fast, really like the [inaudible] the singing in the tree [inaudible] sounds really high-pitched and really fast so that, so then turn it down, turn it down, turn it down, turn it down until it becomes its original tempo and tone.

So we’ve just been playing with some of the subcomponents of auditory.

Sub Modalities of Feelings

Let’s have a little play with kinesthetic just because we can. Right! So I invite you to imagine a pleasant tingling sensation in one of your shoulders, a pleasant tingling sensation in one of your shoulders. Allow the pleasant tingling sensation go across your shoulders down into your arms all the way down to your fingers.

Take that pleasant tingling sensation down your back and your chest and stomach into your pelvis, legs all the way down to your toes so you’re now covered in this pleasant, tingling sensation. Now take that pleasant tingling sensation and condense and so it’s circling in your stomach and circling in your stomach and have it start to turn in a clockwise fashion and a clockwise fashion. Right now, take that pleasant tingling sensation and make a tube that run through the center of your body, make a tube that runs through the center of your body and make it warm, make it a warm pleasant tingling sensation for the center of your body.

Then when you’re ready and not before take that pleasant tingling sensation and allow it to go to your shoulder and to disappear if you want it to. So we’re just been playing with some of these subcomponents of kinesthetic. Now, several of you just realize if you’d like to take control of your imagination and really become flexible in your own thinking we’re now to access creativity. These are the exercise that you do. You take an aspect of your imagination and play with the boundaries.

What can you do with Sub Modalities?

What can you do of it? What can’t you do of it? And as you do that you become much more flexible in your own thinking. Right! So, I’ve got a question for you. How do you know you believe something? How do you know you disbelieve something? How do you know you like something? How do you know something bores you? How do you know something excites you? How do you know something that you don’t like? Do you suspect is how you think about it? And if you could change how you think about something you’ll be using your brain for a change. The potential is huge. So if you’ve got any topics that you would like us to cover.

If you let me explain any jargon or how you apply something please go straight over to our website nlpcourses.com and it would be wonderful to hear from you if you have questions, you have comments, if just want to say “hi” and how you’d been using NLP.

Love to hear how you’d been doing it. So from here, everybody here nlpcourses.com, I wish you a successful week and talk to you soon.

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  1. Hi John
    Well done really liked your video on sub modalities. Very professional
    Best wishes john

    1. Bheemanna Pulla says:

      Hi John
      Wonderful explanation and making us feel the sub modalities

  2. Brilliant Clip John. Short & snappy, perfect learning to shoe horn into a busy day.

    And I think I recognise the training room too – That carpet!

    1. Thank you Tony.
      Have you noticed that all training rooms start to look like each other.

      all the best

  3. Great video John. The videos and the podcasts are great ways to update and refresh my learning whilst navigating the tempestuous storms outside.

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