Key to learning is over learning

Key to learning is over learning Random thoughts on over learning:

Be on the alert now and forever.  Being wide open will support maximum learning.

Learning is far too important to take seriously.

Keep the child alive in yourself and others.

Everyone forgets most of what they learn.  On average, after only a month people forget 98% of the totality of facts and ideas they have experienced.

Overlearning is the antidote to forgetting.  The more you overlearn, the more you will remember.


The rate of forgetting meaningless syllables

TIME FROM                       % OF MATERIAL                      % OF MATERIAL

FIRST LEARNING              REMEMBERED                          FORGOTTEN

After 20 minutes                      53%                                                                47%

After 1 day                               38%                                                                62%

After 2 days                              31%                                                                69%

After 15 days                            25%                                                                75%

After 31 days                            22%                                                                78%


  1. The greatest amount of forgetting occurs directly after finishing the learning task.
  2. After the initial loss, forgetting slows down, but then there’s not so much left to forget.

                                                  SPITZER’S EXPERIMENTS

The rate of forgetting of textbook material

TIME FROM                       % OF MATERIAL                      % OF MATERIAL

FIRST LEARNING              REMEMBERED                           FORGOTTEN

After 1 day                               54%                                                                46%

After 7 days                              35%                                                                65%

After 14 days                            21%                                                                79%

After 21 days                            19%                                                                81%

After 28 days                            18%                                                                82%

After 63 days                            17%                                                                83%


  1. The greatest amount of forgetting occurs rapidly during the first day.
  2. Forgetting is still sizable during the first two weeks.
  3. Forgetting slows down after two weeks, but again there is not much left to forget.


Each individual must personally think and rethink, in his or her own mind, the words of a teacher or writer until they are truly understood.  Once you reach the answer through your own individual reasoning, your understanding is permanent and unforgettable.  You have to do this for yourself and usually by yourself.


Working Hard

  • Taking whatever time and effort it takes to master the material.
  • Over Learning

Working Smart

  • Using the most efficient methods to learn as rapidly as possible.
  • There is no substitute for efficient and effective study skills.

What should NLP trainers keep in mind when training?


  1. Learning is a lifelong process (as we said)
  2. For optimum learning to occur, the learner must be actively involved in the learning experience and not just a passive recipient of knowledge.
  3. Each learner must be responsible for their own learning
  4. The learning process has affective (emotional), cognitive (intellectual), and conative (doing) components
  5. Adults learn by doing and should be involved
  6. Problems and examples must be relevant to the learner
  7. Adults relate new learning to what they already know so select examples that fit their frame of reference
  8. Adults learn best in a relaxed, informal environment
  9. Intimidating adults usually leads to resentment and not to learning
  10. The use of a variety of techniques to appeal to all of the senses helps to mitigate monotony and boredom
  11. Learning flourishes best in a win-win, non-judgmental environment.
  12. The trainer is a change agent
  13. The trainer’s role is to present information or skills or to create an environment in which exploration can occur.
  14. The participant’s role is to take what is offered and apply it in a way that is relevant and best for them
  15. The trainer’s responsibility is to facilitate training and the participant’s responsibility is to learn

Now it makes sense why we offer all our students the chance to repeat the NLP training as many times as they wish. Please check out our NLP Practitioner or NLP Master Practitioner or NLP Train the Trainers 

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