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NLP Newsletter – Have you heard the rumour about having a balanced life?
Have you heard the rumour about having a balanced life? Me too. I find this an interesting idea. What does having a balanced life mean? It is not about equal time in all areas of your life. That wouldn’t work. Imagine trying to spend the same amount of time on your hobbies as you do…

NLP Newsletter – What do you want?
Hey how’s life? Had some wonderful comments about a balanced life. (Last week’s newsletter, in case you missed it.) (Hey, what do you mean you missed it?) (Did you know, when you use too many brackets like I am doing now, it’s like you are talking to yourself?)(Note to self, don’t use so many brackets!)…

What is this thing called ‘submodalities’?
Richard Bandler tells a story of his friend who was nervous about asking someone out for a date. Richard said “what is going on inside your head to make you so nervous?” The friend responded, “The room goes silent and there’s a little voice that says ‘it’ll be alright’.” “No wonder you’re nervous” Richard replied….

NLP Infographic – Dance of Communication
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Danger of NLP Training
Understanding the power of NLP Plus the danger of NLP Training David was really enjoying his NLP training, but little did he know the negative impact this was to have on his life. He had flown to America, to train with one of the big names in NLP. In one particular exercise he was asked…

NLP Video – What is NLP
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