The 6-Step Reframe method is a transformative tool designed to communicate directly with your unconscious mind without the need for hypnosis or trance work. This technique was developed by John Grinder and Richard Bandler, who recognised the limitations of traditional hypnosis, especially in settings where it was restricted.
By using an open-eyed process, this method allows individuals to engage with different parts of themselves, facilitating a deeper understanding and promoting behavioral change.
Understanding the Process
The essence of the 6-Step Reframe method lies in its ability to tap into the unconscious mind. This is achieved through a simple yet powerful technique involving motor movements. Participants are invited to place their hands on their knees, creating a space for their fingers to move freely. This position enables the unconscious mind to signal responses, which can be observed through involuntary finger movements.
Establishing Signals
The first step in the process involves establishing signals for communication. Participants are asked to identify a signal for “yes,” “no,” and even “maybe.” These signals manifest as subtle, often jerky movements of the fingers or hands, indicating the unconscious mind’s responses. The key is to recognize these movements as authentic signals from the unconscious, rather than conscious decisions.
Identifying the Part
Once the signals are established, the next step is to invite the part of the self that is causing the behaviour or issue to communicate. This involves asking the participant if the part is willing to reveal its name. If the participant’s unconscious provides a name, such as “blue,” it signifies a willingness to engage. If the answer is no, the facilitator can guide the participant to explore further until a name is revealed.
Discovering the Positive Intention
Every behaviour has a positive intention behind it. In this step, the facilitator asks the identified part what its positive highest intention is. It’s important to note that the conscious mind does not always need to be involved in this process. Often, the unconscious mind knows more about the underlying issues than the participant realises. If the part is not ready to disclose its intention, the process can still continue without this information.
Exploring Alternative Behaviours
After identifying the positive intention, the next step is to engage the “creative part” of the participant. The facilitator asks this part to generate three new behaviours that align with the positive intention but yield different results. This step is crucial, as it encourages innovation and flexibility in thinking. Participants are asked to wait for a signal indicating that the creative part has completed its task.
Evaluating New Behaviours
Once the new behaviours are generated, the facilitator checks in with the original part (e.g., “blue”) to see if it is willing to try one or a combination of these new behaviours. This evaluation ensures that the participant is open to change and willing to explore new possibilities. If the answer is no, the facilitator can guide the participant back to the creative part for additional suggestions.
Conducting an Ecology Check
The ecology check is a vital part of the process. It involves assessing whether the new behaviours are suitable for the participant in the long term. Typically, this includes evaluating how the behaviours will impact the participant’s life over a designated period, such as one month or six months. The facilitator may also inquire if there are any parts of the participant that object to the new behaviours, ensuring that all aspects of their psyche are considered.
Addressing Objections
If objections arise, the facilitator must communicate with these parts individually or collectively, depending on the situation. The first question typically involves asking if the part is willing to participate in the evaluation process. If the answer is affirmative, it shows that the part is open to potential changes based on the outcomes of the new behaviours.
Future Pacing and Integration
Once all objections have been addressed and the participant is willing to explore the new behaviours, the final step involves future pacing. This technique allows participants to visualise themselves engaging in the new behaviours and tracking any changes or improvements. It’s a way of integrating the new behaviours into their daily lives, ensuring that the transformation is sustainable and meaningful.
Practical Applications of the 6-Step Reframe Method
The 6-Step Reframe method can be applied in various settings, including personal development, coaching, therapy, and even organisational change. By tapping into the unconscious mind, individuals can uncover hidden motivations and reshape their behaviours in a way that aligns with their goals.
Personal Development
In personal development, the 6-Step Reframe method is a powerful tool for overcoming limiting beliefs. It helps individuals identify the underlying intentions behind their behaviours, allowing them to replace unproductive habits with more empowering ones.
Coaching and Therapy
For coaches and therapists, this method offers a structured approach to facilitate change in clients. By guiding clients through the six steps, practitioners can help them gain insights into their behaviours and develop actionable strategies for improvement.
Organisational Change
In organisational contexts, the 6-Step Reframe method can be used to support teams in adapting to change. By addressing fears and objections, teams can align their goals and foster a more collaborative environment.
The 6-Step Reframe method is an innovative approach that empowers individuals to communicate with their unconscious minds effectively. By following these steps, participants can uncover the positive intentions behind their behaviours, explore new possibilities, and create lasting change. Whether in personal development, coaching, or organisational settings, this method serves as a powerful tool for transformation and growth.
Unlock the potential of your unconscious mind and embrace the journey of self-discovery through the 6-Step Reframe method. It’s time to take action and make the changes you desire in your life.