Feedback is the breakfast of champions

Feedback is the breakfast of championsWhat if you don’t have anyone who can give you feedback? Could you give yourself feedback?

Yes. The key is honesty.

One exercise you can do is to hold a mirror up to different areas of your life. I’m not saying this is easy and yet it is worth doing.

Here is how you do it in different areas of your life:


Look at your income and outgoing. Do they balance? Do you need more income or do you have extra income?


Strip down to your underwear and take a good long look at yourself. You will know if you need to lose weight


Walk a mile: can you do it without getting out of breath? I know you may be an elite runner, then you would adjust the measurement.


Do you have friends/partner/children in your life that enrich your life?

If in any area you are not where you want to be, create a goal and a plan and take action.

As stated above, the key is to be honest with yourself. You may dismiss this and decide that life is better with rose-tinted glasses on.

Did the above exercise make you angry or indifferent? Let me know.

Until next week…

John “honest” Cassidy-Rice


Book club starting in September, watch out for more information to follow

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