Stylized portrait of Walt Disney, highlighting his creative spirit and iconic legacy

Unleashing Your Inner Disney: A Playful Guide to Transforming Dreams into Reality

Creative Thinking: Disney’s Creative Strategy In a world brimming with creativity, countless innovations and artistic masterpieces were once just figments of the imagination. Light bulbs and music to computers and Disney films, human ingenuity has turned dreams into reality. One person who consistently excelled at this magical transformation was Walt Disney. Applying NLP modelling principles,…

Key to learning is over learning

The Key To Over Learning

Random thoughts on over learning: Be on the alert now and forever.  Being wide open will support maximum learning. Learning is far too important to take seriously. Keep the child alive in yourself and others. Everyone forgets most of what they learn.  On average, after only a month people forget 98% of the totality of…

Can you count on your gut feelings

Should you listen to your ‘gut feeling’ or common sense

Common sense Just a few months ago I was approached by some business colleagues to work on a collaboration project. I was delighted and flattered to have been considered for the opportunity and immediately accepted invitations to meet and flesh out the project. As I look back I realised I attacked the topic with gusto…